Sunday, October 17, 2010

Introduction For Healthy Life Extension

What is healthy life extension? Simply put, it is the use of science and technology to improve the healthy life span and reduce the risk of developing age-related conditions later in life. This research is the use of the best and most proven methods of today, while support for developing more effective methods for tomorrow.

Practitioners extension of healthy life using a good diet, lifestyle choices, technology and proven medical advances to live healthy, live longer. There are many more for the extension of healthy life than just keeping your health in the here and now, however. Medicine today can do a little compared with what scientists know is possible, and thus we must ensure that communities are educated, funded this research, and future drug development.

A longer life provides more time in which to live a better life - we lost so much as things stand today, pressured by a lack of time and our vulnerability increases with age.

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