Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ginkgo Biloba : Streamlining Blood Flow

Ginkgo Biloba has been used since 2800 BC in traditional Chinese medicine, as drugs to prevent senile brain health in old age. The main substances contained ginkgoflavono-glycoside ginkgo is a potent antioxidant with the target brain tissue to help work the brain.   In protecting the health of the brain, ginkgo facilitate blood flow to the brain to improve neurological function (neuronal) and protect from injury by neurotoxins.  

In addition, ginkgo can improve blood flow blockage caused by the narrowing of the vessels darah.Suplementasi ginkgo is to restore Alzheimer (neurological disease due to aging), less intake of blood to the brain (cerebral ischemia) and improve mental function disorders due to chronic stress.  

From its effect in improving blood flow to the penis, ginkgo become the first choice as drug seksua dysfunction in men (Impotensia)
Usage: To help the blood flow to the brain, use the capsule or tablet containing extracts of ginkgo biloba standard (24% heterosida ginkgo) 40 mg three times daily. For sexual dysfunction, the recommended dose is 60 mg daily.

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