Sunday, October 17, 2010

Danger Foods Ready to Eat

Eating fast food for a month without exercise, would increase levels of ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) in the levels of harmful and can cause liver damage. However, HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) was also increased as a result of this consumption.

Dr. Frederik Nystrom et al. the University Hospital of Linkoping, Sweden, studied 18 men and women aged 20 years, slim and in good health. They eat fast food 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Volunteers are also requested not to do sports. The purpose of this study is to increase the weight as much as 10-15%, and measure the impact of the rapid increase in caloric intake is.

Blood samples were taken before, during and after the study, to monitor the levels of enzyme ALT, a marker for liver damage often seen in heavy drinkers and people with hepatitis C.

ALT levels increased dramatically in just 1 week, and on average 4 times as at end of the study. One subject withdrew from the study, due to having that amount of ALT levels 10 times normal levels.

A total of 11 of the 18 subjects showed increased ALT levels that would normally reflect liver damage, even though subjects had not suffered such damage. Two subjects suffered from fatty liver.

In other findings are also quite surprising is that the signs of liver damage is more related to carbohydrate, and not due to fat in the diet. Instead of fat in fast food is associated with elevated levels of cholesterol, HDL (good cholesterol).

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